
Iron lithium battery will replace carbon alkaline batteries in the future

时间:2017-06-14 10:42:02 浏览量:10357 字号:

   Many types of batteries, in accordance with the working principle, generally divided into a battery and secondary battery. A battery, that can only discharge can not charge the battery, including dry batteries, alkaline batteries, lithium sub-batteries, lithium manganese batteries, lithium iron batteries and silver oxide batteries.
Lithium iron battery high current discharge performance of the highest, more as a power battery.
Lithium primary batteries mainly include lithium sub-batteries, lithium manganese batteries, lithium-sulfur batteries and lithium iron batteries. High-energy lithium battery has a high capacity, long life, the use of a wide range of temperature advantages, lithium sub-battery is the most commercial products in the battery than the highest energy, the actual energy than the common lithium-ion secondary battery 3 times about.
2011, the global lithium battery market size of about 1.45 billion US dollars, mainly by the lithium sub-battery and lithium manganese battery composition, of which about 30% of lithium sub-batteries, lithium manganese batteries accounted for about 50%, the rest of lithium sulfur, lithium iron Batteries and so on.
Lithium iron battery development space far more than lithium sub-battery and lithium manganese battery. Lithium iron batteries since 2009, large-scale entry into China, is currently in a high-speed development stage. Relative to imported products, domestic products with low cost advantages, lithium iron battery is the end consumer products, its customer base is 7 billion people worldwide. Its application is very extensive, covering a variety of portable electronic devices. The future, lithium iron battery to replace the large range of alkaline batteries and carbon batteries, the domestic will form a huge market of billions of dollars, far more than lithium battery and lithium manganese battery market size.
